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Salihu Bala Tajiri, Alkali Tukur and Musa Umar

Sokoto water board is the organization responsible for the supply of portable safe water for domestic uses for the inhabitants of Sokoto metropolis. There is a need for monitoring the supplied water from the inlet and exit to ascertain that the residents are getting safe water for domestic uses. This project is concerned with the assessment of the quality of the raw water supply to the water board, treated water coming from the storage tank to the consumers and the water at the customers' points in the metropolis. Samples of water were collected from 10 selected areas in each of Sokoto North, Sokoto South and Wamakko local governments, and one from the intake raw water and the exit treated water from water board for laboratory analyses. The results of the analyses showed that the hardness of the raw water was 50, while that of the treated water is 1, but the hardness of the water collected from various areas of the three local governments were higher than the treated water collected from the water board, some are even higher than that of raw water. And the same thing is the sulphur contents, color, odor and taste, this indicates that the water gets contaminated before reaching the end users. The water board needs to pay serious attention to some of their old facilities that are used for water distribution so as to improve the quality of water supplied.

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