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The Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic Sokoto consists of the Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department in the College of Engineering. These departments have similar syllabuses for environmental engineering and pollution control on which specialization was based. In efforts to actualize one of the mandates both in teaching theory and practice and actualize the need to improve the livelihood of the citizenry of this country, at this moment, embark on the Fabrication of Municipal Solid Waste Mobile Incinerator in Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic Sokoto. This brought more technical know-how to students, self-reliance and economy-boosting in the society. This Work Plan for the fabrication includes Materials sampling, parameter designs and construction techniques. After constructions, test runs of the machine were carried out, and its performance was observed. Errors observed were corrected, imperfections were also swept. The machine was test runs for the second time. The Incinerator was subjected for use, its performance was certified. However, other methods employed included the visitations to stakeholders like SEPA, Ministry of Environment, SUDA, UDUTH etc., to collect related data. `Parameter design, metal cuttings, construction and assembling began after the processes mentioned above had been achieved. The materials used include iron sheet metals, tricycle tires, ignition devices, burner, angle irons, clayey materials, insulators etc., Welding connections, bolts and nut connections. On the completion of this fabrication work, some of the benefits derived include: The Provision of opportunity for staff continuous refreshing of practical training, Acquaintance of staff, students, and the general public to the easy method of Fabrication of Municipal Solid Waste Mobile operated Incinerator and its uses, Provide an opportunity for in-house training and research center for sister institutions researchers, and other non-governmental organizations in terms of fabrication technicalities, As part of its inclusion in NBTE curriculum for NDCE, HNDCE and HNDME, this fabrication work provides the students of this two departments opportunity in their carrier guiding and practical experience and reports respectively, Provide an opportunity for school clinic in Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic to manage appropriately all biological/medical wastes generated.