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This work reports the outcome of an experiment carried out by using Cassava Peel Powder (CPP) as an admixture in concrete by determining the effects of addition of CPP of 0, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6, %, CPP addition, respectively in cement weight. CPP used was obtained from cassava peel collected from Kara Market in Sokoto state, Nigeria. The peel was cleaned, sun dried and ground into powder in a milling machine. The powder was passed through a sieve 425?m . The concrete mixes of 1: 2: 4 with a water-cement ratio of 0.7. The cubes samples of size 150 x 150 x150 were prepared for concrete grade 30.. The compressive strength of cubes of samples of CPP concrete cured in water were determined at 28 days respectively in accordance to BS 1881, part 116, 1983. The results showed that Cassava peel powder is dominated with oxides of Nitrogen, phosphorous, silicon, sulphur, potassium and complex compounds of starch andcynogenic acid. CPP increases the initial and final setting times of cement paste and could therefore be used as a set retarding admixture. The addition of CPP in concrete decreases the workability of concrete with the same water cement ratio and increase with addition of water ratiowhich shows that it could be used as a water reducing admixture. And also thee compressive strength of concrete with addition of CPP decreases.
Keywords: Admixture, Cassava, Compressive Strength, Peels Powder.