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Every nation requires ceaseless, reasonable, environmentally friendly and clean energy as a prerequisite for economic growth and sustainable development. Photovoltaic solar energy is a renewable energy source that offers the necessary prerequisite applicable to commerce, industries, health, education, social, household, and agricultural segments of the nations economy. Almost 70 percent of the nations populace is without access to electricity. To achieve sustainable development, the government needs to improve energy access to its citizens by embracing and diversifying the modern energy source and generation techniques, such as photovoltaic solar energy, which can lead to a significant cost-saving reduction in energy waste and bills. Thus, this paper reviews the literature on Photovoltaic solar Energy and sustainable development in Nigeria. It highlights some of the benefits of applying photovoltaic solar energy for sustainable development, such as access to a free energy source, job creation, improved agricultural production and others. It also recommends the provision of proper and adequate solar initiative research, public awareness of the needs and advantages of photovoltaic solar energy, provision of standard grid set up, and easy access to funds allocated to solar and other energy-related research as few feasible means of achieving sustainable development through photovoltaic solar Energy in Nigeria.
Keywords: Photovoltaic (PV), Solar, Energy, Sustainable, Development, Renewable Energy.