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Salihu Bala Tajiri, Abdu Tsoho, Tukur Alkali and Nasiru Muhammad Sani

Considering the countrys situation today, it is not easy to figure out any commodity that one can say is cheap. At least you can get Charcoal today in Sokoto is ?100, which is not enough to cook food for a moderately large family. As such, seeking an alternative efficient cooking stove is necessary. The research is designed to identify the best charcoal cooking between two charcoals in terms of energy performance, safety and sustainability and recommend that domestic application cook meals at a cheaper rate and safe conditions effectively. A representative sample of types of Charcoal from two different trees in Nigeria that are commonly used in the Sokoto metropolis will be tested according to the requirements of the ISO 1986 standard. These are charcoal from Shear-Butter (Kade/Ukopi) tree and Mahogany (Madaci/Nze) charcoals. The process that was used in the execution of the research will be to obtain two different types of Charcoal from vendors and carry out the proximate and ultimate analyses and Calorific values of the different charcoals bought. To boil water and cook some quantity of Rice using the two different types of charcoals to compare their heating rate and suggest the best Charcoal to be used by every household for economic purposes. The charcoals were acquired and tested using proximate and ultimate analyses, and the Calorific value was found. After this, water heating and rice cooking tests were performed using each Charcoal. The research results show that charcoal B is better for fast and economical cooking than sample A. The least Charcoal burning rate is 0.0021 for B and 0.0023 for A, the least time for cooking of 28 minutes for B and 30 minutes for A in water heating and 43 minutes for B and 44 for A in rice cooking, and the highest Efficiency is 24.67 for B as against 24.42 for A. Keywords: Calorific, Cooking, Charcoal, Efficiency, Energy, Heat, Sustainable, Thermal

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