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This research presents a quality assessment of boreholes water in Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic Sokoto main campus to evaluate their constituents and contaminants that are known to be hazardous to health and give rise to complaints from consumers. Water quality assessment was carried out for seven boreholes in the study area using standard methods and procedures approved by SON and evaluated with the WHO guideline for drinking water quality. The results showed that the physicochemical parameters for PH, temperature, conductivity, TDS, odor, and, color were found within the WHO standard of Drinking water Quality. The turbidity for BHCES, BHADMS, BHMHCRM, BHADME fall above WHO standard of 5NTU. The Nitrate, calcium, Iron, sulfate, and chlorine had values within recommended standard. The microbiological parameter tested for total coliform showed that BHCES has 4MPN/100ml; and BHBGH: 8MPN/100ml while the rest of boreholes were safe from microbial pollutants. Some boreholes water was having few of their parameters above the WHO permissible limits. It was recommended that the turbidity of BHCES, BHADME, BHADMS, BHAHCRM need to be checked for appropriate purification also the public should be enlightened on the need to allow debris and other particles to settle down to the bottom of the water container before use. BHCES and BHBGH should only be used for domestic use like washing, bathing, flushing toilets, laundry etc. due to the presence of microbial pollutants.