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Benson Reuben

Nigeria stands at a pivotal juncture in its economic journey, facing both formidable challenges and unprecedented opportunities. In this context, the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to catalyze Nigeria's economic renaissance has emerged as a focal point of discussion and exploration. This paper delves into the transformative power of AI, elucidating its capacity to address entrenched economic issues and propel Nigeria towards sustainable growth and development. Through a nuanced analysis of AI applications across various sectors, including finance, agriculture, and healthcare, the paper highlights tangible examples of AI-driven innovation already underway within Nigeria's borders. Furthermore, it elucidates the policy imperatives to nurture a conducive environment for AI adoption and proliferation. Nigeria can build a robust AI ecosystem that drives inclusive economic prosperity by fostering collaboration between government, industry, academia, and civil society. However, the journey towards AI empowerment has challenges, ranging from regulatory hurdles to ethical considerations. This paper navigates these complexities, offering insights into overcoming barriers and harnessing the full potential of AI in Nigeria. Ultimately, it underscores the imperative for concerted action and strategic foresight as Nigeria embarks on its quest to leverage AI as a cornerstone of economic revitalization. Keywords: Nigeria, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Economic Renaissance, Innovation, Collaboration, Policy Framework

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The Beam journal of arts and science
ISSN: 1118-5953 www.uaspolysok.edu.ng/jounal