The Beam is a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal of Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic Sokoto State. It is dedicated to the scholarly study in all disciplines of knowledge. Though, more attention is on original researches conducted in the areas of pure and natural sciences, computer science, and agricultural sciences. The four types of academic contributions considered for publication in this journal are: research articles reporting findings of original work, book reviews, short research notes and opinion papers from renowned scholars. The Journal is published twice a year (i.e. June and December).

Guidelines for submitting manuscript:

  1. The manuscript must not have been published elsewhere or under review by another journal.
  2. Original research articles must not be more than 5000 words, accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words. Short research notes and opinion papers from renowned scholars must not be more than 4000 words including abstract.The book reviews should be between 1000-2000 words.
  3. The manuscript must be in double line spacing, 1-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font style.
  4. The manuscript referencing style must be American Psychological Association (APA) latest edition.
  5. The manuscript title must be concise as possible and placed on a separate page with author(s) names, affiliations, and contact address of the institution(s).
  6. The manuscript must be submitted to the following address:.
The Editor
The Beam: Journal of Arts & Science
Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic Sokoto
P.M.B. 2356, Sokoto
Phone No: 08068790495


Copyrights of all materials published in this Journal are held exclusively by the Journal and the respective author(s). Any reproduction of material from the journal without proper acknowledgement or prior permission will result in the infringement of intellectual property laws.


All opinions expressed in articles published in this Journal are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the editors, the editorial advisers, the editorial board members or the publisher.