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Abdullahi, A. and Yanda, M.

This research presents an assessment of groundwater quality in Asari village, Wamakko, Sokoto State. The Physico-chemical and Bacteriological parameters of water from 40 boreholes drilled at Asari village for water extension, and the combined water of these boreholes supplied to different communities in Sokoto were determined within dry and wet season periods to investigate their quality. Analyses were done on water samples for: Turbidity, Total Dissolve Solids, Sulphate, pH, hardness, Nitrate, Iron, Chloride, Total coliform, Thermo-tolerant coli form for all the 40-boreholes and combined water of these boreholes using standard procedures, and evaluated with the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality approved by Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON). All physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters analyzed in the water samples were within recommended standards, except the following: turbidity had 7.9NTU in dry season and 7.3NTU in wet season, and iron had 0.5mg/l in dry season and 0.6mg/l in wet season for combined water; all generally above NSDWQ maximum permissible limit respectively. These results indicated that the combined water sources supplies to the communities were unfit for human consumption in terms of turbidity and iron respectively. Appropriate measures for treatment against these pollutants are of great importance before consumption of these waters by the populace. As a preventive measure to minimize the health threat associated with consumption of iron-contaminated water, it is recommended that the combined boreholes water at Asari being supplied to consumers should be used for bathing, washing and other domestic needs. The public should be enlightened on the need to allow debris and other particles to settle down at the bottom of the water container before use. Also there is need for frequent cleaning of the storage tank and new pipes should replace the existing old ones used in the supply of water to the users

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