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Eshemokha Austin Maho

Advances in information and communication technology are impacting the way we receive and process information. At the forefront of this development is the increased use of the social media. Social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube and a host of others have not only become an essentialfeature of peopleƍs daily lives it has also influenced the way people receive, process, disseminate and share information. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the social media on the 2015 presidential election in Nigeria. A qualitative study design was employed in the research problem. A non-probability sampling procedure was used to draw samples for the study. Data were analyzed through thematic categorization. Emergent themes were delineated and categorizedabout identifiable variables on social media influences on the 2015 presidential election. The results suggest that the social media has created a platform for themore democratic participatory citizenry and contributed to the outcome of the 2015 presidential election in Nigeria. The results ofthis study are significant for political parties, those seeking political office, media practitioners, social media users, policymakers and the general public.

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