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Zainab, U. Dange. Adamu M. H and Shehu, Hashimu.

Every Individual at birth is conferred with individual rights which are recognized and enshrine in the constitution of many countries in the world today. Those rights are Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and it is the cardinal responsibility of every state to ensure that its citizens no doubt enjoy all these rights. Given of that, this paper examined the concept of rights in particular and its antecedence in perspective. It also shades more light on the rights with the view of its application and limitation contained in the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria. Against this, the paper aimed at making clear to the public that the fundamental human rights enshrined in the Nigeria constitution can only be enjoyed by citizens as long as he/she did not infringe the right of others, nor affect the moral, traditional value and peaceful co-existence among Nigerians. However,the paper employed the doctrinal method of legal research where attention is paid to the legislative enactment and existing work of most of the Nigerian authors. It further recommends that citizens must enjoy those rights within the unit set out by law; if not proper sanction is awaiting them.

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