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Odoemenam, Temple Chibuezel1 Ordu, Rosemary Chiyere Omoghie, Ikphemhosimhe Aslem

This paper examines the lexico-semantic choices in J.P. Clark’s “Night Rain”. The researchers attempt to approach the interpretation of ‘Night Rain’ from the stylistic point of view and also to make its meaning explicit using the tool of linguistics. The fact, that stylistics as a scientific study is beneficial to both the teachers and students of English studies cannot be overemphasized. This paper, therefore, examines the lexical semantic choices in J.P. Clark’s poem ‘Night Rain’ using M.A.K. Halliday’s systemic functional Grammar as the analytical framework. It is important to note at this point that one of the key purposes for explaining the language of a literary text is to determine the extent to which a given author organized and deployed its potentials to relate the intended message. Night Rain is a unique literary piece by J.P. Clark in that it presents not only a description of a rainstorm in a small village but also a vivid description of the poor living conditions of the poorest of the poor in the land. Previous studies on the poet’s work have been concerned (majorly) about the literary and thematic features of the texts. In so much as the poetry of J.P. Clark has not been extensively studied from a linguistic point of view, this study, therefore investigates aspects of lexico-semantic patterning in ‘Night Rain’ to establish their connotative implications and how they cohere in the text in order to foreground the poet’s intended message. This paper reveals that the construction of a literary text is a linguistically conscious activity. This assertion is evident in the way Clark’s text explored the lexico-semantic nuances and dynamics which explored the lexico-semantic nuances which are critical and strategic both in stylo-rhetorics and in message delivery.

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