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Mansur Aliyu

The research surveyed selected Internet Caf?s within the North-western states of Nigeria about their perceptions of cyber security, and how age, gender, and education might affect those perceptions. This research adopted Health Belief Model (HBM) as a framework, the survey examined the constructs of perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits, barriers, self-efficacy and cues to action. In addition, the study measured the respondents? levels of previous cyber-crime victimization and technology implementation. The findings of this survey study revealed that perceived susceptibility to cyber-attacks and the perceived benefits of protective technology are related to an individual?s choice to implement cyber security technology. Also, it revealed that many Internet Caf? owners/workers had been victims of a computer security incident, demonstrating that even individuals using/patronizing in Internet Caf? can be impacted by computer crime incidents. Finally, this outcome of this research deepens the understanding of how individuals react to known cyber threats, and what motivates them to adopt protective technology measures. Keywords: cyber security, health belief model, Internet Caf?, threat perceptions, north-western.

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