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Tamunoene, C, A. & Ubanl Chinyere

This schoolwork explores the dimensions of invoking the efficiency of ICT as a panacea to socio-economic development and poverty eradication in selected Kalabari Communities of Rivers State, Nigeria. The nation Nigeria has been emmeshed with various socio-economic challenges over decades that have increased poverty rate and reduced economic strength of states, urban and rural areas abruptly. It is necessity to apprise the study area in order to ascertain available ICTs capabilities that could revolutionize the socio-economic status of the area in order to unravel the hidden efficiencies of ICTs for gross poverty reduction. ICT has various prospect for socio-economic development and poverty eradication like e-marketing of local products, web technology, data/call centre etc. Poverty negative impacts to the standard of living of the citizenries have been observed in terms of general scarcity, dearth, and lack of basic need such as food, clothing and shelter. This study adopted a cross-sectional design from selected communities (Ama), with instruments of questionnaires, Group Discussion Forums and Town hall meetings in ascertaining the position of ICT and poverty in relation to their impact. From the study, it was obvious that not all components of ICTs were fully understood by the citizenries because of its level of technicalities and mode of operations involve, thereby limiting them from accessing and utilizing ICTs available resources in ravaging the nomadic effect of poverty. It further identifies ICT as a machinery pavement of poverty and socio-economic development enhancer if properly implemented. It therefore recommends that all levels of government, NGOs, and well doing individuals should initiate ICT midpoint for the benefit of her citizenry, while the youth should develop interest in acquiring more ICT knowledge in furtherance of socioeconomic development. Keywords: Information Communication Technology, Knowledge, Socio-Economic, Poverty, Citizenry

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