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Mrs. Rosemary Adaego Ukpong

The introduction of entrepreneurship education in all the Nigerian institutions is a blessing in disguise to secretaries because there is a continuous research and development in the electronic and technological advancement and as a result, the secretary’s role has and will continue to be upgraded. Change is constant and entrepreneurship is all about change. Entrepreneurship education will enable secretaries to acquire more new skills on new production techniques, new machines and their usage and at end, be able to establish a business of their own for self – sufficiency and self – reliance for future development. Rather than suffering in penury when government job is not forth coming or when the take home pay is nothing to write home about, there are lots of opportunities that are waiting for secretaries to tap and harnessed in their immediate environment for a better tomorrow. This paper focuses on entrepreneurship education, its benefits to secretaries, viable options and training programs for secretaries, secrets for success, conclusion, recommendations and the way forward. An urgent intervention is highly needed to secure the future by empowering and assisting secretaries in Nigeria to reach to a greater height so as to save the nation from disgrace and shame in the near future.

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