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Practically all human knowledge can be found in published or unpublished sources. Man builds upon
the accumulated and recorded knowledge of the past. His constant adding to the vast store of
knowledge makes possible progress in all areas of human endeavour. The investigator can ensure that
his problem vacuum and that considerable work have already been done on topics which are directly
related to his proposed investigation. For any specific research project to occupy this place in the
development of a discipline, the researcher must be thoroughly familiar with both previous theory and
research. To assure this familiarity, every research project has as one of its early stage, a review of the
theoretical and research literature. A literature review is based on the assumption that knowledge
accumulates and that we learn from and build on what others have done. Scientific research is a
collective effort of many researchers who share their results with one another and who pursue
knowledge as a community. Today’s studies build on those of yesterday. Researchers read studies to
compare, replicate, or criticize them for weaknesses. A good literature review gathers information
about a particular subject from many sources that are relevant to the topic area. It is expected to be
well written and contains few if any personal biases. It should contain a clear search and selection
strategy. Good structuring is essential to enhance the flow and readability of the review. Referencing
should be accurate throughout the literature review, accurate use of terminology is important and
jargons should be kept to a minimum. Therefore, from the above background, this manuscript gives a
detailed explanation of each of the following: literature review, its importance,
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