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Yusuf Isah Sokoto

Greenbelt is a term used by town planners to connote tract of vegetative communities near and within urban centre. A green belt or greenbelt is a policy and land use designation used in land use planning to retain areas of largely undeveloped, wild, or agricultural land surrounding or neighboring urban areas. Similar concepts are greenways or green wedges which have a linear character and may run through an urban area instead of around it. In essence, a green belt is an invisible line designating a border around a certain area, preventing development of the area and allowing wildlife to return and be established. In those countries which have them. Greenbelt is a new method of urban–rural policies that perform additional role of barriers to urban expansion and other environmental benefits. The primary purpose of establishing greenbelts is to provide open space for recreational opportunities, aesthetics and other environmental benefits. Also greenbelts was established within and around the city for the purpose of preserving agricultural amenities.This paper focuses on greenbelt area and land use conversion in Sokoto Metropolis, The source of Data for this Study was mainly from the Land sat data covering thus, the study area was universal transverse Mercator (UTM 31N) inclined and modified on 20 08 10 obtained from NASRDA (National Airspace Research and Development Agency). The imageries has a resolution of 60m, making it suitable for object identification using G.I.S. on the Arc GIS 9.3 and Idrisi Taiga environment also, Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver was employed.Map of Sokoto city 2002 and Lands at image 2010 were reconciled and carefully coordinated using G.I.S. on the ArcGIS 9.3 and Idrisi Taiga environment in addition Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver was employed for capturing coordinates of some specific road junctions in Sokoto Metropolis and the ground truthing to verify and confirm the authenticity of the reference information on the Spot image of Sokoto Metropolis 2010. Table showing the values of land use conversion in the study area was computed. The extent of Greenbelt conversion shows that the greenbelt was 101. 38 hectares in 2002 but in 2010 it stood at 55.46 hectares indicating a change of – 45.92 hectares in Sokoto Metropolis, The land use conversion is in form of bakeries, mini Motor Park, residential housing development, block making firm, restaurant and transforming surface tanks sites to filling stations. Based on the findings of the research, the use of political power to circumvent land use laws should be stopped, compensatory sites of the converted Greenbelt should be provided and Sokoto Master plan should be given due attention for any further physical developments in Sokoto Metropolis

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